AZUHIKO leads a normal life until two beautiful sisters move into the apartment next door. He falls for the younger sister, MAYAKO, but not before being seduced by the older sister, TSUKIKO… Soon Kazu has an insatiable hunger that he thinks is sexual, but might be something deeper, darker and more feral…

The story of Twilight Dinner comes from Kyôko Godai, who would later write Yutaka Ikejima’s Japanese Wife Next Door movies. Both of those were wonderfully odd offerings in Pinku cinema. Here, Ikejima wants to tell the story straight. The movie opens with Kazuhiko telling his story to the police officers who are questioning him following the grotesque murder of a local waitress. Through a series of flashbacks he recalls how he meets and falls in love with the two sisters, gets infected and pursues more carnal desires. Though the word Vampire is dropped a couple times in the film that is all that Ikejima’s film has to do with them. The sisters do not like the sunlight yet somehow still have a reflection because everyone should have the opportunity to watch Yumi Yoshiyuki having simulated sex in the reflection of mirrored sunglasses. Thank goodness for ignoring the folklore. But Ikejima was very intent on telling the story that perhaps the scenes may feel a little short/quick.
In regards to erotic content there is ample material to choose from. Kazuhiko does have sex with the sisters and also a waitress at the local drinking establishment. And once he becomes infected with the blood of Tsukiko he has this sexual awakening and he is attracted to anyone. I repeat, anyone. You can go through the deleted scenes to see the removed ‘gay’ scenes. Mayako and Tsukiko share a moment of sisterly love and a toy. As the film nears the end there is an act of cunnilingus which may give you second thoughts the next time you and lady friend have a little alone time. This moment is where the horror element to the story really plays out. Good luck pulling the old, “Ooh, that looks sexy. Lets do that, honey!” afterwards.
I don’t believe there has been a Pink Eiga release this loaded with extra material before. They took full advantage of the visit by Yutaka Ikejima and one of his stars Yumi Yoshiyuki [Tsukiko] when they attended the Boobs and Blood Film Festival in September of 2010. Ikejima even gives a rundown of the story for Twilight Dinner Part 2 – Basket Case if he ever gets to make it.


Pink Eiga does its very best to bring Pinku films to North America. The hang up is that they’re not always received in the best condition. As you watch one of the featurettes with Ikejima you will discover that Twilight Dinner was shot, edited, and distributed in less than two weeks. These films are done on slim budgets with enormous… time constraints. The same amount of attention and care is devoted to preserving these titles so sometimes what the lads at Pink Eiga get is not of the greatest quality.Regarding the final gore scene Ikejima was given a choice- there is simply too much blood in that scene, change it or lose the scene. So he looked into changing the color to blue or polarizing the image to keep the scene in the picture. They had to do it so they could release the film in Japan. There isn’t a significant difference in quality of the image now that it has been reverted back to its original format but it is noticeable.
Twilight Dinner wants to achieve the balance of brooding atmospheric horror and sexy erotica. It finds some middle ground between the two.

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